Saturday, May 31, 2014


Are female graduates called gradu-ettes or just graduates? It seems like there should be a special name for them – especially when they are as special as the young women we celebrated with today.

As parties go, today was near perfect weather. Dare I say it could have been a little cooler? Not complaining but it was a surprise that is was sunny and 88 degrees here. Yes, you read that right. And yes, I was wearing a winter coat at a baseball game just two weeks ago!


We had two parties today. First was for hubby's cousin's daughter Becca, who also is his goddaughter. She graduates from the Rapids public high school tomorrow. They had the party today because they wisely knew ahead of time it is going to rain tomorrow. Ha.

Good to see much of Jim's side of the family – aunts, uncles and cousins – we don't see often enough. Nice party under a sun-shielding tent!

It's been fun watching Becca grow up. Always a smile on her face, she is so determined to do well. We have enjoyed attending some of her dance recitals and watching her play hoops. She will continue her "higher learning" this fall. Nice job, gradu-ette!

Our second party was for my girl Brittney. They thankfully had a sun-shielding tent as well. And the mosquitoes held off until early evening.

What to say about B? She has been a stand-out athlete in volleyball, basketball and softball all four years of high school. I will miss watching her and her serious "game face." When she's not trying to defeat someone, she has a beautiful smile and is so kind! She is moving onto college and will play softball there. Way to go, gradu-ette!

I will have to find new "daughters" to stalk. I mean watch! Maybe it's a good thing Carter has twice as many girls in his class than boys. I will probably only say that once! But there are some real sweethearts who I will continue to cheer on from the stands over the next two years.

It's just great to see success stories develop in real life. I hope that the drive to succeed will continue for these gradu-ettes and, more importantly, their pleasant personalities will remain intact.

I'm not worried. They're pretty amazing.

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