Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise

This month marks 15 years we've lived on the shores of Bloody Run Creek. Most years, though, you wouldn't know by looking at it that we had waterfront property or required flood insurance. It's typically a very, very shallow to dry creek bed. But then we have those special occasions where God and Noah step in and we have water!

Got a text from hubby this afternoon alerting me of the news. Not that we have reason to be alarmed, but he knew I'd be all over it with my camera!

First, rest assured that Mr. Deck Chair was not harmed in the making of this blog. You can imagine his confusion. One minute he's in the back yard on Blue Jay Drive and the next he is on the beach! Too bad the temperatures didn't reflect a sunbathing atmosphere.

In fact, it had rained all night and morning and turned to snow before quitting this afternoon. We did not have any measurable white stuff, probably because the wind blew it away.

Yup, you take a flood warning and combine it with a wind advisory and you have waves! If you look closely, that is. Surf's up!

I just hope the water level doesn't get too far up. Don't want any old trees uprooting themselves. And Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we don't want Mr. Deck Chair getting washed away either.

Be careful out there!

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