Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mixed Seasonal Signals

I was hearing this buzzing in my head at work today. At first I thought maybe it was just the brain cells colliding while working too hard. Then I recognized the long-lost sound.

A lawnmower.

So I could still see snow on the ground but I could smell fresh-cut grass. I think the lawn-care crew was toying with the inmates in the asylum! Naturally, this called for a walk to check things out.

Three of us escaped and realized it was a gorgeous day! The temps reached 60+ so it spelled summer to us. And smelled it, too. Love the smell of fresh-cut grass! Love watching the mower guys maneuver around leftover snow piles as if showing them who's boss!

Although we did have to return to our cells, I mean desks, I decided I better take advantage of the nice day since we are going to be experiencing a Polar Vortex come this weekend. Of course! So I took a 3-mile walk/run when I got home. Ran a song, walked a song, etc. That worked well. I didn't get tired and hopefully won't be too sore tomorrow. I keep trying to ease back into running but never have more than one day in a row to do it before the weather turns cruddy again. Terrible streak.

Poor Mother Nature. Getting blamed for everything – even failed exercise programs. I guess if she could just stick with a season awhile and go with it, that would help. I think spring should definitely stay, if you are asking.

It was sure nice having my FitBit wrist "watch" vibrate at 10,000 steps two whole days in a row. Now there's a streak to beat. Help me out here, Mother Nature.


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