Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Making a Point

To keep my vow to be accountable, I will share the latest news from my Weight Watchers program.

I had my 6-week weigh-in this morning and am down 11 pounds! I didn't think I'd even have a loss this week after my Camp Crop-A-Lot weekend. But I think I was too busy scrapping that I didn't have time to snack between meals. The only major "off the wagon" meal was Saturday night with the family. So not so bad.

What have I learned?

Well, even though Oprah says she loves bread and can eat it every day with WW, I don't. I don't love it and I don't eat it that often to begin with so that isn't a perk for me. What I have discovered, though, is that you honest-to-goodness can eat anything you want. Just enjoy in moderation. Such simple advice I've never followed!

If I want King Cone or a DQ Blizzard, I have to try to plan for it and adjust my daily Smart Point budget accordingly. I say TRY to plan because life it about unexpected pleasures, too. If I eat something heavy on the points, I can't beat myself up. Just enjoy it and try again tomorrow.

The key to any successful program is realistic expectations and a realistic approach to meeting your goals. Every plan out there touts it as "not a diet, but a lifestyle change." Well, if I have to work out every single day and can never have ice cream or carrot cake, that's not gonna last. I can't "maintain" that lifestyle. And my downfall is that if I am deprived of something, I will want it more. And I when I get it, there is no moderation in sight!

So I am realistically eating things I normally eat and just paying attention so that I don't go overboard. And if I do, try not to go overboard several days in a row!

I have also learned that there is some good food out there that is not bad for you. I am thankful I have at least 4 co-workers on the program that serve as a support network of sorts, sharing low-point snack ideas among other things. I also have people supporting me by helping me say no.

No less than 3 people shared this info graphic with me:

I get the point. There are a LOT of points (and not very Smart ones) in Shamrock Shakes. I thought I might just have to settle for the DQ Grasshopper Mousse Blizzard, but even a medium has more than a thousand calories. Not kidding.

I see why they call them Smart Points. Mindless eating will get you every time. But using your mind to make Smart choices will get you closer to goal.

Now I just have to stick with it longer than any other "lifestyle changes" I've tried to adopt in the past. Right?

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