Sunday, March 13, 2016

Springing Forward

Apparently, while hubby and I spent at least 23.5 hours indoors yesterday, Wisconsin Rapids set a high temperature record of 70 degrees for March 12. No surprise, Mr. Deck Chair is not speaking to me.

I totally get it. Now today was in the 50s only and drizzling here and there. That's our luck, I guess. Wouldn't trade our fun over the the past few days for anything, though. And, as much as I want spring, the real spring, to spring its way here, I don't need May to come any faster.

Today was my catch-up day and springing forward on projects.

Did not get enough sleep since we had to change the clocks ahead when we got home from the post-celebration celebration. But I had things to do.

Got some housework done, a quick walk with the neighbor, then made huge progress on Carter's grad party plans. By huge I mean, I typed the guest list into a spreadsheet. Still need Jim and Carter to approve it and add on to it. Got the invites that I designed so we can send them at the beginning of April, no problem. Created and printed return address labels for Carter. And got at least 100 of the address labels for guests printed out. Some night when I can mindlessly multi-task while watching TV – The Voice is a good choice – I can start adhering labels to envelopes.

No, I am not necessarily super organized. Just need to break the dozens of party planning tasks into small steps over time. That way I won't have a super-size stress meltdown by graduation. Oh, I'll still have one as time draws near, but hopefully downgraded from super-size to medium, at least.

Now that our high school sports have a breather, I am hoping to get a few more pre-party tasks done over the next few weeks. Need to find some cute photos of my kid to put on display. Think I'll find anything?

Oh yeah, there was that period of 12 years he wasn't hiding from the camera. Can we spring backward to that??

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