Saturday, February 17, 2018

All Aboard The Birthday Express

When you're not looking, the number 50 can come rolling down the tracks and you can't do anything to stop it.

That's what's happening to a lot of friends my age this year. When they're smart, they just hop on board the Birthday Express and enjoy the ride.

Tonight we got to help our friend Mike celebrate the milestone – and go for part of the ride with him.

We had dinner at Pullman's in Trolley Square in downtown Appleton. I knew the place because our friends Angelo and Robyn celebrated their wedding there a few years back. It's cool. There's a trolley-like rail car inside... but you just can't go in it.

There were 10 of us. Mike and Christine came up from Racine area, two came from nearby in the Fox Valley, and the rest of us hailed from Rapids. Thankfully the snow was sporadic enough we had safe travels both ways. Especially since we had to go "off track" and take the CRV.

By coincidence – or maybe not – the indoor trolley car is No. 50!

So now there are two things that are 50. Ha. Thanks for being a good sport, birthday boy!

Had excellent food (chew-chew) and great conversation.

We'll see if my diet gets back "on track" some day soon!

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