Monday, February 19, 2018

It's No Day

Since I was neck deep in projects yesterday I didn't pay attention to this week's weather forecast. In fact, it wasn't until I stopped for gas on the way to work that I saw we were in for some freezing rain. After I go to work, I got a text from hubby that they'd closed schools in central Wisconsin – including the large districts of Rapids and Stevens Point. Some were closed for today and tomorrow already.

So yeah. I live under a rock sometimes.

And it was OK. We got nothing for precipitation in Point or Rapids during my work day. It was only misting on my way home. So I guess I dodged a weather bullet. And it was a No Day instead of a Snow Day for the school kids.

Tomorrow, though, it might be warranted. Weather guys just have to prove themselves right just because I am now paying attention!

See the pretty pink heart of Wisconsin? The lower dot is home and the upper dot is work. Uff da.

I fear it's going to be accurate because I talked to my mom tonight and she is seeing snow up in the purple area. And talked to College Boy down in the green and he said it's pretty much been raining the last 4 hours.

So we with either get ice or pink cotton candy falling from the sky.

Since I live under rock, anything's possible in my book.

Be careful out there!

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