Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Achievable and Believable Resolutions

I'm pretty fortunate I didn't have to put much thought into New Year's Resolutions after all. Someone else came up with the perfect achievable list. I figure I aced all of them in 2018 so why not continue?

I did come up with a good one at lunch today. Since so many people are trying to come up with the personal word or theme for 2019, I told my co-worker that I was going to open my fortune cookie and it would contain my resolution for the new year...

Get ready for No Filter Robyn! I get to say what I feel and really don't have to filter it in any way – if I want to achieve my resolution! Probably fitting since I'm already a "What you see is what you get" kind of gal anyway.

Still, it will be fun to throw in some shock value.

I wouldn't have minded one that mentioned travel, though. Only three more sleeps and our boy is off to Germany! We took him out to eat tonight for ribs. He wasn't too satisfied with how his meal turned out so we may do a do-over (aka Last Supper) somewhere different on Friday night.

For now it's see what we can squeeze in the new, big suitcase and see what else we need to buy yet! Thursday and Friday are going to be a quick 48 hours if you ask me.

And even if you don't ask me, I'll tell you. It's my new year's obligation to do so! #nofilter

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