Sunday, January 6, 2019

An Epiphany or Two

I didn't write a column for the church bulletin today because I wasn't sure what epiphany I'd have on this Epiphany Sunday – the 12th day of Christmas. Turns out, I've had a few today. A few lessons, a few startling realizations and a few affirmations of things I guess deep down I already knew.

I learned that nothing gets your heart going in the morning quite like a call before dawn. Nope, not deja vu. This was the second morning in a row with an incoming call from Germany around 6 a.m. Though this time, it was more unnerving (put mildly) because our boy wasn't in our basement sleeping when the phone rang – he was over there!

Would this give you a panic attack – yes or no?

Me: Hello.

Female caller with heavy German accent: Dis is Campus Vida. Vere (where) is your son? Vere is your son? He vas not on zee shuttle!

Me *oncoming heart attack* *looking at clock to try and calculate 7-hour time difference*: I haven't heard from him. He should be landing about now.

Caller: Ja. His plane landed and he vas not at the meeting place. Vere is your son? He must get to the meeting place immediately. Vere is he?

Me *lamaze breathing for second time in a week*: I'll call him right now!

I text. And I message through WhatsApp. No response. OMG. Is he hurt? I call through Verizon. "No service at this number." What?? *check heart attack symptoms and repeat lamaze breathing.* I call through WhatsApp. "No service." Was he kidnapped? *feeling super helpless*

Longest. Twenty. Minutes. Of. My. Life.

Then incoming text from Carter (whose phone had been off since landing): All good. I just can't read a map. They found me.

*Release breath I've been holding since the phone rang earlier.*

Fun way to start the day, eh? On the 12 day of Christmas, my good son gave to me... 12 minutes of hyperventilating! My epiphany? Apparently I'm not one of those "keeps calm under pressure" people. Nope. Not even a little.

Thankfully, all's well that ends well. He got on the shuttle, rode the hour to Heidelberg, is moved into his student apartment – complete with his own bathroom, shower, and kitchenette. He quickly discovered, though, that most stores are closed on Sundays. So "beef jerky and Cliff bars for supper, it is," he said.

I am guessing between the three of us (daddy included) we observed Epiphany Sunday quite traditionally. We were all seeking something and I am sure we were all praying fervently we'd find what we were looking for – Carter the meeting point and us, our son ...and sanity, serenity, and a regular heartbeat.

The wise still seek Him. And thank our loving God, we find Him!

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