Thursday, January 31, 2019

On the Positive Side

First thing I noticed this morning was that even though the temperature was colder, the windchill was like 25 degrees warmer than yesterday. In fact the "RealFeel" temp was warmer than the air temp. So that's like a Heat Index, right?

I wish. Still, it was enough of a positive to get me to start up Black Betty with a bam-a-lam! She started and I let her warm up a bit, backed out of the garage and... then the garage door didn't shut. I suppose it's better that it was frozen open for awhile today instead of locking us in. (P.S. It's fixed now. Thanks to a smart neighbor! Another positive.)

During the day, it was no school and no mail delivery again for a big chunk of the state. Uff da.

After work, Black Betty started up again. That was my main concern. After sitting 9 hours in the cold. What a trooper. And now we're on the warming trend for the weekend. That's Midwestern warming as in approaching the freezing mark.

In the meantime, let's just laugh at what we just lived through. This is a hilarious clip of Twin Cities Live's Steve Patterson's appearance today on Live with Kelly and Ryan.

Really. This. Is. Us. In Wisconsin and Minnesota. And the rest of the world just doesn't get it.

As I told a co-worker today who recently moved from the Carolinas, "At least we don't have hurricanes."

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