Tuesday, January 8, 2019

From Water Works to Wicked Windchill

It's no surprise Wisconsin is known for its ability to experience all four seasons in a week. On Saturday, it was mild enough that no jackets were required. On Monday, it rained so much the ground couldn't absorb it fast enough so there was mild flooding in the area – like every ditch and yard I saw – and the occasional "High Water" signs erected.

When I drove by our friends' house last night, I actually put the car in reverse so I could take a quick picture out the window. Their old truck with Christmas lights was reflected in the new lake in their front yard. That's what happens when it rains and rains on the 13th day of Christmas!

Believe when I say every wet surface I encountered on my commute yesterday is solid ice today.

Starting out the day around 40, temps have plummeted all day – while the wind picked up.

On our way home from Stratford tonight after a tough Lady Royals loss, we could feel the wind moving the vehicle a bit. When I checked, the mercury had dropped down to 18 with a windchill-induced "Real Feel" temperature of 5 below zero. No the warm fuzzy we needed after that game!

Let's hope both the temperatures and the team turn around for the better by Thursday. Go Royals! (Go Heat Mizer!)

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