Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Escape from Wisconsin

Hey, how about we not talk about the weather for a minute? We know. It's cold. Arctic cold. And the state of Wisconsin is pretty much shut down for the next few days. So let's escape to Munich.

Yup. You never thought you'd say it, but let's go. Beats what we're dealing with here.

Some views of Carter's weekend trip. Worth the 6-hour bus ride? He thought so...

View from his hotel for the weekend. That's a big ol' church in the distance.

Mini golf! Wow. He said it was "suuuuuuper cool." I agree!

In the heart of Munich. (This reminds me so much of Stockholm!)

Just the average-looking train station in Munich.

"BMW Museum. Had to visit!"

When Carter was in Germany for a month in high school they got to tour the BMW plant. He's been hooked ever since and would love to work there! Employee discount, anyone?

Sorry, kiddo. That won't fit in your suitcase.

 Cool bridge. 

In his words: "Big ole church in the center of the city. Beautiful." Yes! Gorgeous. I'm sure the inside is amazing, too. Glad the weather cooperated enough for the group to walk around and see a lot.

Carter said they also toured the Dachau Concentration Camp. Another site he visited when he was there in 2015. Now, though, he understands and appreciates it more. So much history there! He did not get to see his old host family, though. Our boy Lukas was under the weather. Hopefully they'll connect at some point.

Hope you enjoyed Munich. As a bonus photo, here is one back in Heidelberg. This is in the Alstadt of Heidelberg – or "old town." See, look at you learning something! I guess not all of your brain cells are frozen quite yet. 

Hang in there. Maybe we can escape together again soon!

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