Saturday, January 5, 2019

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

The Adventures of Mr. World Traveler started before dawn today. With an on-time departure at 6:30 a.m. no less. From our house, that is. It did help to have a 5:19 a.m. wake-up call from Germany confirming something at his future residence hall.

Six-hour time difference noted.

While the sunrise was beautiful on our drive to Minneapolis, we hardly noticed as we kept going over lists and details of things we could no longer control. But still, he was a bundle of nerves (me too). Who wouldn't be when they're traveling solo for the first time – plus to a foreign land.

Got Carter checked in and luggage checked. Since the security line was a mile long, we waited in line with him for a bit until he reached the winding cattle corral. It was in that line he said, "I just realized how alone I'm going to be on this trip." Sigh. That's a tough one.

All we can do as parents is tell him how proud we are of him and assure him it will all be OK.

Or we can cling to their coat and hope they'll stay. Oh I was just hugging him hard. Honest! I'll miss him but am so excited for the adventure.

We kept an eye on him for a bit while he made his way through the corral. When he made the final turn around a corner at the security line, he did look back and waved. He must have known we'd wait. That's when I pretty much lost it!

But don't worry about me. Send good vibes to my kiddo. His main goals in the next 24 hours were getting on board, making his connections, successfully getting through customs during layovers, etc, finding his shuttle upon arrival in Frankfurt, getting to the school to move in. Then his next goal is getting to the school via bus or train Monday morning in time to take an oral exam so he knows what level of German classes he'll be in.

I mean, really. What's there to worry about?

Thankfully, the sign at the airport parking exit was encouraging. Still could use some prayers for safe travel, comfort and stress relief for Carter and the ability to showcase his language skills under pressure! Thanks.

After our farewells, we met up with son number one Casey and his girlfriend for lunch in the cities and then stopped to say hello to my sister and brother-in-law in Hudson. By the time we got home this evening, Carter had already survived his layover in Washington, D.C. and was in the air again, headed to Deutschland.

If all goes according to plan, he'll arrive in Amsterdam around 3 a.m. our time and Frankfurt around 6 a.m. our time. I told him to keep us posted no matter what the time difference is. Just knowing he is where he is supposed to be – and safely – is far more important than sleep.

Uff da. Is this really only Day 1 of 111?

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