Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Chairman of the Bored

If you don't call "same seats" in this house, you're out of luck. Well, mostly just Sylvester's favorite human.

She just loves his recliner. Once in awhile when I'm not home, she'll jump into mine. But she'll jump on Jim's foot rest, arm rests, on top of the back rest. Everywhere. And when he moves to go answer the phone or something else, she stretches out on the end and takes up space.

He's so nice, he doesn't disturb her when she's sleeping. Which is always, by the way. Me, well, I'm not as nice. You can see she's giving me the evil eyes just because I'm taking her picture! She's bored with me.

Wouldn't you love one day when that was the least and most of your concerns? I have to admit I'm jealous right about now.

But we'll get through this week and carry on. And if we need a cat nap, we just need to stake claim to our recliners, right?

*meow* *hiss*


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