Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Rain Clouds and Silver Linings

Sorry for the lame blog about the cat last night. I just needed to think of something that wasn't so depressing these days. Usually, the princess accommodates. Thank goodness.

Today was another gloomy day. Emotionally and physically. It rained all day and is still raining here. But at least it's not snowing. When my sisters in Minnesota said they were getting snow, I thought, yes, there is a silver lining. We only have rain here!

What other silver linings have I been overlooking this week?

Well, the circle of life has been quite evident. There have been three births to make up for the one death of our friend. Prince Archie (or whatever his title may be) and babies born to a co-worker (her second) and to a friend's brother and his wife, who have tried unsuccessfully for so long. I am excited for them all and can't help but smile!

I also got to see the 21-year-old this evening. I haven't seen him since he was 20! He survived the major 21st Birthday Palooza with friends. Now they're all "legal" in his house. He probably wanted to stay down in P-Vegas but he had to come back for a dentist appointment today. Those are made 6 months out. Not canceling for anything! I think he'll be staying a few days now.

I'm also grateful for work. The people. They've been so supportive this week not calling attention to me ugly crying at my desk. And I've had plenty of work – both at the office and freelance – to keep my mind distracted. It's helped.

Tomorrow and Friday are going to be super tough days with the visitation and funeral. Glad I was reminded there are silver linings in these rain clouds. They won't erase the pain in our hearts but at least we know the sun will come out again.

Eventually. God bless!

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