Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sawing Logs

Occasionally, I complain about not getting a good night's sleep. But boy howdy, I must have been sawing some major logs last night! I missed a few things.

Today is garbage pickup day. When I was driving out our driveway, I noticed all the garbage cans on our street (including ours) were knocked over. My first thought was that is was some sort of prank – like "mailbox baseball" but with garbage cans. Or a hit-and-run. Or just "fainting goats" syndrome.

Further down the road. I notice a wreck of a canopy in a yard. And further down the road is this tree.

Say what?

I must have been in a major deep sleep. Did not hear rain, thunder, wind. Anything. Apparently we lost a big branch in the back yard – but not as big as the tree above. (He's got major logs to saw.) And some other neighbors lost power when branches fell on their line.

Weird. I guess it was good sleeping weather.

Tonight? Well, they say damaging winds, large hail, and tornadoes are possible. Pretty much anywhere in the Midwest. Depends where the pattern goes and what pops up. I'm predicting some rain here but requesting a dry afternoon tomorrow for baseball and softball playoffs. That's my dream world.

That and good sleep.

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