Friday, May 31, 2019

The Latest Buzz

In case you thought the first sign of summer was Memorial Day or people wearing flip flops or today's gorgeous temperatures. Nope. It's something far more annoying.


We should have known that with all the snow, rain and flooding this spring that there'd be standing water everywhere – I mean I still see it in ditches – which is the ideal breeding ground for skeeters. Trust me. When you live on a creek that may or may not have water, you pay attention to when it does! It's always followed by a bumper crop of blood-suckers!

I guess I do know how to grow something, huh?

Other than not being able to stand outside for long this evening, it was a super nice day.

And no, I wasn't joking about summer-like temperatures! Too bad it won't stay like that all weekend. Chance of some rain here and there. And tonight there's a chance I might not even need to turn on my mattress pad.

Hey, we've got the A/C cranked (just days after running the furnace), so you never know.

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