Friday, May 24, 2019

Let the Three-Day Weekend Commence!

I hear thunder right now, but.... The great news is that it's supposed to be 80 degrees and NOT RAINY for tomorrow and Sunday anyway.

Hopefully, you camping types make it through tonight OK. Then it should be nice for you and for anyone who wants to be outside for gardening, golfing, kayaking, graduation partying – or all of the above. Yup, pretty full weekend on the horizon but we're looking forward to it!

Tonight, we kicked it off going downtown to hear some friends in a band. Since one of the singers is a classmate of Jim's (a different one than the other band – his class was musical!!), we also saw a handful classmates there and visited with other friends. It was nice. Plus great music.

We made it home at a decent time – not because we're old. We're just storing up energy for the rest of the weekend. All three glorious days of it.

Have a safe and awesome Memorial Day weekend!

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