Monday, May 20, 2019

The Sideways Shuffle

Did you know "bikini season" is right around the corner? Not that I've worn one since I was 7 years old, but still, the message these days is: Are you ready for it?!

One word: Nope.

All these ads are guilting me into remembering that if I had started and stayed dedicated to some sort of plan months ago, I'd be in a good place right now. But no. I have no willpower. I love my sweets. And I don't want to waste money getting caught up in one of those "eat right and exercise" schemes.

Those never work, do they?

Yeah. I know. They do and that's what you should do. And you'll reach your goals, oh so gradually. Which is never quick enough for Ms. Impatient here. So I say screw it and grab a peanut butter cup or whatever treat is within arm's length. Or even a short drive. No end to my reserves of non-willpower.

That's why I tend to shuffle side to side with my goals rather moving forward.

After getting disgusted not finding something to wear this weekend that fit good and looked good, I shook myself awake and declared I need to do something. As it states above: The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.

OK. Decision made. Not staying. Now... ACTION!

My goal today was to not eat treats at work – no matter whose birthday it was or what was sitting around in candy dishes. When I chose grilled chicken over the "totchos" covered with ground beef and melted cheese for lunch, I demanded a high five from a co-worker. That was a big accomplishment right there because the bad stuff looked sooooo good!

I also got my 10,000 steps in today. High five myself!

But I also grabbed a Schwan's Root Beer Float bar tonight and ate that without blinking – or thinking. After I threw the stick away, I was like, "Oh yeah, that's right. I wasn't going to eat stuff like that today."

Unfortunately, since there's some sort of law you can only start diets on a Monday, I'll have to wait a week, force myself to eat graduation cake this weekend and start after the holiday.

I'm kidding. And it's not a "diet" or I'll quit. Just gotta get moving – even baby steps forward are steps forward – and make more wise choices. We're almost to the season of fresh fruit and veggies. That'll help.

Unfortunately, it comes right after the season of frosting. But I'll find ways to balance it out so I'm ready for one-piece swimsuit season at some point.

Are you ready? Did you do something today that deserves a high five? Celebrate the small stuff, friends. Let's keep moving forward together.

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