Monday, May 27, 2019

We Remember

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for all of us. We remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our freedoms in the United States of America. For my family, though. We remember something more.

Dad died 6 years ago today – on Memorial Day. It was fitting because even though he wasn't able to serve in the military for health reasons, he loved his country and especially loved any holidays where flags were flying everywhere – Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Veterans Day, any day.

One of my sisters took care of adorning his grave marker with flowers and flags. When I talked to my mom today, she said she was at the cemetery for a Memorial Day service because "the veterans need support for what they're doing, too."

I'm glad both of my parents taught me not only to have respect for the flag, but respect for others, too. I'm also glad I got a piece of their cleverness and sense of humor. I'm definitely a mix of the two of them!

And, I learned today, that Mom is opinionated. She said as much on the phone. "Oh here I was blaming Dad for that all this time," I said. "So I'm opinionated because of you and I get my stubbornness from Dad? OK. Got it."

That's why I'm so well-balanced, I guess.

Glad I can still find plenty of Dad in myself so I know he's always with me. And with any of you blessed to know me. Ha.

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