Thursday, May 23, 2019

Remember the Bright Side

Ever feel like Eeyore and you've got a dark cloud hanging overhead and maybe even following you? Sometimes it's a physical cloud. Other times, it's an emotional cloud – brought on by sadness, loneliness, anger, some sort of despair.

I think there's probably a cloud like that hanging over a bunch of kids tonight as they (and their teams) lost during the high school baseball and softball playoffs. And sadly, both the Royals teams are among them.

The look ahead down the road seems dark right now. Just dreary. Maybe not stormy, but just cloudy enough to dampen your spirit. Don't let it happen. I know people are often encouraged to keep focused on the future and not the past, but sometimes – especially when all you see is a dark cloud – maybe it's time to look back.

Look at all the sunshine behind me! That is you and your memories. Think of all the great times you've had playing ball and, more importantly, bonding with teammates that have now become your brothers, your sisters, your family.

I wish we could give wins for playing with the most heart. But it just doesn't work that way. Instead, I hope you feel like a winner because you not only gave it your all, you also were a good teammate and showed your love and respect to others.

It's just plain old good sportsmanship. That's what we parents and fans are most proud to witness. A trophy will sit in a case, but your attitude and actions are on display for the world to see.

Keep making us proud. On and off the field.

And, remember the bright side.

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