Monday, November 4, 2019

For the Birds

Now that we're not saving daylight any more, it's that early darkness crap. And I can't adjust. 

Sunday morning I actually got up before my alarm and had cleaned the kitchen before going to 8 a.m. church. That isn't right. Then last night, I was so tired I struggled to stay up past 8 p.m. Needless to say I was in bed and asleep at 9 p.m.

Woke up this morning to hubby saying: "Did you set an alarm?"
Me: Yeah. What time is it?
Jim: 6:45
Me: @#$%^$ 

I usually leave the house around 7. This morning I managed to shower and curl my hair and all that and still hit the road at 7:10. Not bad.

Still, this time change business is for the birds. In fact, even the birds are flying out of here to go somewhere where the darkness doesn't mean cold and dark.

Yesterday afternoon following the Vikings' pitiful attempt at football, I decided some aperture therapy was needed. Grabbed my camera and headed for some fields on nearby County W where there are usually some "rest stops" for the migration. Saw this quartet totally oblivious to me.

Sandhill cranes are pretty common around here, but still pretty in their own way.

The red around their eyes may indicate they didn't get much sleep either when we changed the clocks Saturday night.

Here is when they heard squawking overhead and looked up and thought: "Oh was that flight south today??"

Definitely a lot of them motivated to migrate. I would if I could, too!

And yes, these are the colors at dusk because "dusk" happens at 4 p.m. now.

Nothing special about the pictures, but I thought it was pretty. And since it will be dark on week nights, I had to capture some of that light anyway! Changing clocks... definitely for the birds, wouldn't you say?

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