Sunday, November 24, 2019

Happy Unique Talent Day

You know what's great about coming home from a sleep-deprived but productive scrapbooking weekend? Having a column done in today's church bulletin so I don't have to use any of those three brain cells I have left to blog...

Got Talent? Let’s Celebrate It

It’s New Year’s Eve! Sort of. If you’re following the church calendar, it wraps up this week before Advent kicks off a new year! And we don’t even have to stay up until midnight. Unless you’re up late preparing for Thanksgiving, which falls on that “other” calendar. I can’t help you there. Just don’t wait until Wednesday to start thawing the bird!

With so many calendars these days, it is hard to keep track of all the church celebrations and national holidays, let alone those quirky, less-established observances. Did you know today is Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day? It has to be a real thing. I saw it on the internet!

How do we celebrate it?

It’s pretty simple really. Whether you sing, dance, juggle, look like a celebrity, or can do headstands for an hour while singing the national anthem and balancing a basketball on your feet, do everything in your power to let the world know about your unique talent!

Or start small and just share it with your family here at First English Lutheran Church.

We need and appreciate talent in all shapes and sizes and skill level. Could you help decorate the church for Christmas? Could you share your faith with the Sunday School kids? Can you sew? Can you sing? Can you read? Can you write?  (That’s right. I don’t own this space. I’m just visiting. Anyone can pop in and nudge me over. Please do. I know for a fact I’m not the only one who likes to talk, er write.)

Our unique talents should be celebrated. Not just today but every day. They are some of the things that make us who we are and, in many cases, define our personalities and our outlook to life.

This Thanksgiving as you thank God for your gifts and talents, consider sharing them with your brothers and sisters in Christ. We’re a pretty supportive audience.

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