Friday, November 29, 2019

Hooping It Up on Black Friday

My Black Friday looked more Royal Blue than Black this year.  No shopping for this girl. Nothing I needed, honest! So I spent much of the day and evening at the school for the annual Cranberry Classic holiday hoops tourney.

Our Lady Royals teams found success. Both JV and Varsity will be vying for championships on Saturday. Our boys teams both lost in close ones – the Varsity game went into overtime even! They'll play for third place in their brackets tomorrow.

I managed to get pictures at three of our games today. But opted to spend time with Mr. College in the late afternoon instead of going to all of the Assumption JV boys game.

Carter and I ended up visiting longtime babysitters Jon and Audrey, who run a tree farm and are selling their Christmas trees and wreaths right now.

He's outgrown his sitter!
We also did a little shopping at a shoe place but he couldn't find an exact replacement for his dying Nikes so neither of us got anything. We grabbed a yummy dinner at Jennings where we both had our favorite Pineapple Express burger. Yup, the tasty one with peanut butter and sriracha on it. So good!

I dropped Carter off at home so he could go out with friends and I went to the last basketball game of the evening.

Typically, I'd be getting up early tomorrow and hitting the road to the annual Cookie Bake and Exchange at my twin sister's. But due to yet another snowstorm on the horizon, I opted not to chance it and travel. Eventually, she had to cancel anyway because the forecast seems to pretty firm that's it's going to be  a winter storm.

So Black Friday is followed by White Saturday, I guess. Maybe I'll be stuck home and save even more money!

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