Saturday, November 16, 2019

Glass Half Empty and Dipped in Sugar

I was on a mission today. Well, a list of missions. And I accomplished quite a few.

Since I'm going to be gone scrapping next weekend, I figured I better wrap up my Christmas baking for our family's annual Cookie Bake and Exchange on Thanksgiving weekend. I made my mint chocolate ones last weekend and today I got my almond shortbread cookies done. But first, I had to find a glass...

I had this idea I wanted to roll the dough in balls and flatten the ball with something pretty – like those fancy cut glass designs you'd find on the bottom of a nice vases or glasses, which I had neither of. So I thought, let me try Goodwill. They have a bit of everything.

And thanks to the whiskey drinker who donated his Crown Royal tumbler, they had just what needed!

Does my vision make sense now?

But wait, not done. They have to be Christmas-y somehow. So I melted some chocolate and...

Dipped and added sprinkles. Mission accomplished!

I also got in a trip to the library, a stop at the 8th-grade basketball tournament to shoot photos, and got a great start on organizing my pictures for next weekend. (That will be my primary mission on Sunday.) I also got a Hallmark movie out of my system. But haven't quite reached 5,000 steps on my FitBit.

When you're dealing with a glass all the way empty, something had to give.

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