Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours

We all know Thanksgiving is the F-word holiday: family, friends, football, and feasting!

Also the word we say when we step on the scale – which is really why it's called Black Friday. To match out mood.

Hubby's sister hosted the Austin Thanksgiving this year. She told us she'd heard the average American will consume a hefty 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving – for dinner alone. Drinks, dessert and appetizers can bring the total calorie count to 4,500. "So who's ready to dig in?"

It was a great meal with the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing and apple-Snicker salad (remember when the Pilgrims made that?). Plus, three choices of pie for dessert. Yum!

How come my tryptophan food coma doesn't look this cute on ME? No one can compete with a 1-month-old on her first Turkey Day, that's for sure.

Besides little Mya and her parents Colin and Amy, Carter, Clay and Becca, and Jim's parents all joined us. It was nice to get together for some family time. And football. And feasting, of course.

Feeling full of food and blessings. Hope you all can say the same. Happy Thanksgiving!

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