Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Go Nuts

Since the calendar still says it's fall despite snow on the ground, the squirrels believe they have plenty of time to gather food and fatten up for the winter. This scrawny backyard visitor might want to hustle a little bit.

I know I personally am well on my way to storing food (Christmas cookies in freezer) and fattening up for winter. I might be a procrastinator for a lot of things, but not that.

To my credit, I did bring workout clothes to work today. Was planning to hit the fitness center over lunch, but then I heard they were serving a "Thanksgiving Dinner" up in the cafeteria. I can pass on the mashed potatoes and stuffing, but pumpkin pie? No way. I've only had it in coffee form so far this season. To my dismay, though, there was only one piece left when my friend and I got through line. Thankfully she's super awesomely nice and shared it with me.

The month of gratitude continues!

Since my upcoming scrapbooking weekend is part hibernation and part fueling winter fat cells, I'm taking treats with me, of course. I mixed up some pumpkin spice cookie dough tonight between work and my church council meeting. Now I'm baking them since I'll be gone the next two evenings. I'll have to store them someplace safe so I don't eat them before the weekend.

Think Mr. Squirrel knows of some good hiding places. There's no nuts in these so he'll leave them along. I, on the other hand...

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