Saturday, November 2, 2019

Oh No-vember

Mother Nature always seems to know when it's state cross country weekend in Wisconsin Rapids. Typically she sends either a cold front or snow or rain or all of that. Once in awhile, it's a gorgeous day on the golf course.

Not today.

Woke up to a dusting of snow. Enough to write out a fan note on the front deck. Then it was just cool (33 degrees with real feel of 22) but dry. Until the end of the girls Division 3 race.

Isn't that insane? Just a 2-minute snow squall of sorts at the finish line.

Nope. No PhotoShop. Seriously that much snow blowing around. Crazy.

We had two runners qualify from Assumption and one from the Wisconsin Rapids public high school. Since I knew all three, I was there for most of the afternoon. A friend of mine also had her son there coaching a team and her sister's grandson running for another team. So I took pictures for her, too. Might as well take advantage of my time there! We're lucky it's held every year at the Ridges Golf Course about 5 minutes from our house. So hubby just dropped me off and picked me up.

Our Royal Runners were brother (senior Garrett) and sister (freshman Grace). They did well but probably not as well as they hoped. Pretty typical for most runners at state. It's a whole new field of competition. And they're all good. That's why they're at state! Impressive kids!

Came home to warm up just long enough before heading out to dinner with our friends Mike and Cindy. Had to hit Two Lakes Supper Club one more time before it closes for the season. Yummy food and great company as always!

Got home and changed the clocks already. Since it's only 8 p.m. now (for us cheaters who fall back ahead of time), I might just stay up and watch a Hallmark movie!

Yes, a Christmas one. Not ashamed. Have you looked outside lately?!

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