Monday, November 25, 2019

It May be Monday...

I love this saying. It's right on the money. Any time you can end a week – or day even – with pie and shopping, you're winning.

Work-wise, I'm thankful for a short week. As in tomorrow is my Friday. Health-wise, though, it's already been a long week.

I have nagging, dry cough that's been keeping me up at night. And hubby, too, by default. Last night, I got out of bed at 11 p.m. so I could give him some peace. Figured I try to sleep in the recliner. Maybe sitting up a little would ease the cough. It kind of did, but I couldn't fall asleep. Who knew the teeny tiny ticking of the kitchen clock could echo through the living room like the Vikings' gjallarhorn! Finally, at 1:22 a.m. (because I was counting sheep and minutes), I went back to bed. Slept with a cough drop in my mouth and that helped. I know. Not smart.

Tonight I am armed with some nighttime anti sniffling, sneezy, coughing, so you can rest medicine. That'll kick in shortly so I can get some sleep (hubby too).

And try to fit four days of work into one tomorrow. Who's with me?! We got this!

Think pie and shopping. Pie and shopping.

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