Sunday, July 26, 2020

Munk-eying Around

This little guy with the full cheeks photo-bombed my senior photo shoot this morning. As soon as I saw those chubby cheeks, I thought, I bet that's what I looked like yesterday trying some variety of cake at each graduation party. Today, I was too busy to indulge in that kind of stuff.

Had a portrait session as soon as the rains cleared this morning. Was super muggy out but thankfully it stayed cloudy. That makes for better pictures. Since I was down in the Nekoosa area, I headed to the Shermalot Water Ski Team car wash fundraiser after pictures were done. Then it seemed like I had some chores on my "to do" list... and I realized just now I never got around to them today!

I did get around to getting a round in, though. At the last minute, son #2 was unable to golf with Dad, so I filled in as second choice. Other fighting off gnats and gators, hubby and I had nice time out at Homestead.

It seems we got done in like an hour and 15 minutes or something crazy. Got my 10,000 steps and good sweat.

We rewarded ourselves with a good farm-to-table feast. The neighbor's farm to our table. That's the best way to make it work.

Did pork chops in the air fryer and had garden-fresh beans and baby red potatoes. To be honest, it does taste better than cupcakes or cookies. Except for the frosting at that one party. Sigh.

Capped off the day with a phone call from Mr College. Always love to hear his voice. And hear that things are good.

It was a fun day chipmunk-eying around and spoiling ourselves – or maybe just myself.

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