Saturday, July 18, 2020

Slo-Mo Saturday

Definitely was not in the mind set to get much done today. Very much a slow-motion Saturday.

Got a few things done in the house before going to a grad party for one of my "nieces" from church. Didn't stay too long since I had projects hanging over my head.

Stopped at Home Depot on the way home. Ran into a girlfriend and we were both looking for some DIY stuff. We determined that when we wear masks, the guys and gals in the orange aprons can't see the confusion on our faces. We both struck out getting exactly what we wanted anyway.

Feeling determined to tackle the back yard a bit, I headed out there and literally ran the weed whacker all of 15 seconds when I felt a sharp pain on the back of my right ankle. I thought maybe I got cut by the whacker cord. Nope. Just a really angry ground bee or yellow jackets. Serious ouch!! Dang it. Why can't they go away?!

So that forced me back inside in a hurry. Not a bad idea when it's 93 degrees out. So I did a few things indoors and then headed to the lake.

To shoot a waterski show, that is. The Shermalot Ski Team is back to performing free shows on Lake Arrowhead on Saturday evenings. They'd asked months before this COVID business started if I could photograph them. I know a few kids (and grownups) on the team, so that was fun to watch.

I definitely got some good pictures – including this guy who I took senior pictures of last summer – but I have hundreds and hundreds more to go through. Since I'm still in slo-mo Saturday, those are just going to have to wait until morning.

Once again, kitty is way ahead of me on getting our girls weekend slumber party started! G'night!

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