Sunday, July 12, 2020

Over The Hills

Not saying that our foursome today was over the hill – though we're getting there – but the course was crazy, crazy hilly. Like they discourage people from walking 18 holes (or even 9). It's too much. Take the cart. Trust me, we each got 10,000 steps anyway!

It was a gorgeous day to get together with our friends Scott and Sandy. We try to meet up once or twice a summer and pick different courses. This time is was Autumn Ridge over in Valders, Wis., almost to Manitowoc. Had to look on a map, believe me.

Perfect summer day. Plenty of clouds and pleasant temp in the high 70s/low 80s. Very nice.

But the hills, though! See on this hole above where the cart path disappears? A lot of holes were like that where you had to hit over some ravine of some sort – usually filled with vegetation that eats golf balls and doesn't spit them up. I will say I lost 3 new balls today, but thanks to searching for them, gained 11 "used" ones! Ha.

Here's the final hole. I had to take the picture off their website so you could see the "steps" up the hill. Always fun to finish with a par 5 and card a 9. It was so hard!! Swinging hard to "help" the ball up the hill did my aching back and hips no favors. So yes, I have water running right now for my epsom salt bath. I know. I am OVER the hill!

100 percent worth it though to spend the day with friends. Hopefully next time we can actually hug each other hello and goodbye. Weird not sharing carts boys/girls but staying with our households. We took one selfie and made sure we didn't breathe on each other! These are different times, that's for sure.

Reminds us to never take friendships for granted. Especially friends who put up with my struggling golf game – and hubby's great golf game, which meant they had to pay for dinner. Now that's a good day.

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