Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Heart to Heart

Even though we've been together more than 23 years and shackled by our ring fingers for 18 of those, hubby doesn't get all the credit for getting my heart racing on our anniversary.

First it was "Junior" – a new snake in the back yard who is smaller than Freddie but still big enough to evoke screams at 8:30 in the morning. I wanted to get some work done in the back yard before the sun was beating down on me. I guess Junior had the same idea because he visited me twice in 10 minutes. Uff da.

You know what's worse than having a snake in the back yard? Having TWO!

When I got over that, it wasn't too long before I was going to grab my clippers and noticed a swarm of activity near them.

Apparently, I unearthed or disturbed a yellow jackets nest. Or maybe these are the Murder Hornets we've heard about? It's a new month in 2020, after all. So we need something unusually tragic, don't we?

After round three of heart palpitations, I headed inside. I figured it was a good sign I should not do yard work on vacation!

Plus, this greeted me when I got in the house. So my heart wasn't racing really. Just going pitter-patter with its love beat! That set the tone for a great rest of the day.

Even going to the dentist was short and sweet. And then it was onto the water!

My friend Cindy and I had a nice afternoon paddle around Nepco Lake. Even though it was 89 degrees, it felt nice on the water. Breezy and relaxing.

Tonight, I went to Witter Field to catch a little baseball action, shoot some pictures, and visit with friends. Hubby even dropped by after golf and delivered my anniversary dinner. Nothing says love like Potato Oles with nacho cheese from Taco John's.

And flowers, of course, and sticking with me for decades!

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