Friday, November 6, 2020

Des GratituDe

Our alphabetical gratitude month continues today with the letter D, which means I share some of the D-lightful blessings in my life.

A = Autumn, Austins, Assumption
B = Ballots, Books, Book Club, Bible
C = Casey, Clay, Carter, Church, Creativity, Camera

Dear Ol' Dad: Of course Dad comes to mind – as he often does. It's tough losing your dad when you feel you should have another dozen years with him. But thankfully LeRoy left a big part of himself in me. I don't blame him – I thank him – that I'm stubborn (only because I'm right most of the time), I have an answer for everything, I'm a hard worker, I insist on being funny, and I love to dance (another polka, please!).

Daughters: Naturally, Dad would say he's grateful for his 7 daughters. I'm grateful my "adopted daughters" who let this mom of boys get her "daughter fix" once in awhile at dance recitals, softball and volleyball games, concerts, and even mission trips. Thanks, girls! You know who you are! 

Deck Chair: The summer-like weather this week makes me wonder why I sent Mr. Deck Chair to hibernation already. I'm sure he'll thank me next week when it's a real Wisconsin autumn again. But I still have to give a shout of appreciation for his unwavering support – no matter how much fluff I've added – and willingness to let me move him around inch by inch until I've got the right angle to Mr. Sun. We make a good pair. 

Dar: And special appreciation goes to neighbor Dar, who has witnessed me bonding with Mr. Deck Chair more times than I can count and doesn't judge me. Just drives her scooter up the driveway and shares her latest happy song. Thanks, dear!

Design: Finally, I'm grateful that I can use my creativity for not only photography and scrapbooking but graphic design work, too. And not the magazine and newspaper pages like I used to. But t-shirts, lots of t-shirts, posters, logos, flyers, etc. And once in awhile I can combine my photography with the design.

People wonder why I'm always so busy. It's because I like to do way too many things! At least I'm not boring or bored, right Dad?

#gratitudemonth #gratitude alphabet

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