Monday, November 30, 2020

Eleven Down

The year 2020 has sort of turned into a Survival of the Fittest competition. Or at least the Luckiest.

So we do weird things like celebrate surviving 11 months of 2020 – with 8 of those (or 270 days) in a "working from home, wear a mask in public, social distance from loved ones" frame of mind. So, yay!

Unfortunately, this is where we're at in my county (Wood County) regarding the virus that won't go away...

A month ago, we had 1,782 total positive cases versus 4,230 today. Our county COVD-19 related deaths tripled from 9 to 27. In Wisconsin we jumped from 214,996 to 387,235 cases and from 1,948 to 3,313 deaths. 

If this was a report card, we'd be failing. Actually, if this was real life, we'd be failing, too. 

Now that hubby and I personally know about a dozen people (not all our county) who have battled this – some still battling – we see it impacts everyone differently. Not only the symptoms, but the severity. It's a crap shoot what you're going to have to deal with if you get it. And I'm not ready gamble.

I hear there are some cute Christmas face masks out there!

Be safe, everyone. Let's finish strong!

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