Friday, November 13, 2020

My Kind of Blessing


Our alphabetical gratitude month continues today with the letter K which means am beyond O K – I'm so blessed!

A = Autumn, Austins, Assumption
B = Ballots, Books, Book Club, Bible
C = Casey, Clay, Carter, Church, Creativity, Camera
D = Dad, Daughters, Deck Chair, Dar, Design
E = Eggs, Election, Energy, Empty Nest
F = Family, Friends, Faith, Flu Shot, FastForward
G = Games, Golf, Guilty pleasures
H = Hugs, Hurricanes, Humor
= Ice cream, Impromptu Invitations
J = Jim, Jokes, Job, Java

Kindness: Did you know November 13 is always World Kindness Day?  It should be every day. Especially in 2020. In a world, in a state, in a town where there is discord, I am so grateful to people who are kind. And not just on international holidays. I am grateful when people show respect for the elderly, for authorities, for their parents – for humankind, really. It's missing in a lot places. The other day I encouraged an elderly man (anyone over my hubby's age) to get ahead of me in line at the store because he only had two items. He says, "Pull your mask down so I can see you face." I pull it down and I'm like, "You don't know me. I'm just being nice." And I get a "Well thank you, young lady." Hey, we need more people calling me young AND a lady. I'll let you know when Robyn Kindness Day is!

King Cone: It had to be said.

Knock on Wood: I'm not superstitious, just a little stitious. So on days like today, I knock on wood for luck.

When you wake up to this and it's Friday the 13th in 2020, you wonder, has someone checked to make sure this white powdery substance isn't lethal? Not that I have paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia – you know, long words with Ks that mean fear of Friday the 13th. But still, we all hoped today just be normal. As normal as any Friday the 13th in 2020 could be anyway. So far – knock on wood – we're O K!

Karma: Grateful for karma? Yup. That's all I need to say about that.

Be safe and Kareful out there!

#gratitudemonth #gratitudealphabet

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