Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Surprise Sleeper

I thought for a minute when Sylvester stole my chair today that she was warning me not to watch the game or it would put her to sleep. While you might think of Sylvester as a sleeper, it means something else in football.

Sleeper is a term used mostly during the draft to refer to NFL players that a fantasy manager believes is set to have a breakout season. The word "sleeper" comes from the idea that most fantasy football guys (or gals) will "sleep" on this player or overlook their potential.

Guess I overlooked my Vikings as a sleeper today. Not bragging. I mean obviously with the win over the Packers, we'd still need to win 3 more in a row just to get to .500.

But I feel like the Great Pumpkin finally came and it was worth the wait. Oh please, let me have this moment.

Besides having a loser team, I am coping with the first day of non-Daylight Saving Time. You know, dark at 5:01 p.m. and all that. Uff da. Keep thinking it's almost bed time. Will I make it to 8 p.m. or will I be the next sleeper?

Maybe I should ask the Great Pumpkin!


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