Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Night Lights

With how late the sun sets these days, you'd think I wouldn't need to burn the midnight oil. But it's getting close to that on this lovely Friday night.

We actually had no plans after work, so hubby and I went to the Legion baseball game. The 17U team is hosting a tournament this weekend. So we went and watched.

Just watched. Seriously my first ballgame I've just watched this year. No camera. Just sitting there cheering and chit-chatting with friends. Our boys ended up losing to Plover 3-2. But there's a whole lotta of games left to play this weekend. Good luck!

On the way home, it dawned on me that I hadn't gotten a birthday gift for my twin yet. I know. How could I possibly forget it's coming right up?! So I went to the store to get some top-secret supplies to craft together her top-secret gift. I'm a little out of practice so it took a minute. Just got done and can't wait to show you.

Next week.

I'll ship it tomorrow and hope it arrives Tuesday. I finished another project today, too, but will have to wait for that reveal too. There's a due date in July so just remind me. Ha. For now, I'm turning off the Friday night lights and will but my creative juices to bed.

Have a great weekend. Be careful out there!

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