Friday, June 3, 2022

Sore Armed and Ready

So yesterday during lunch – before golf, softball, and supper clubbing – hubby and I got our booster shots at one of the pharmacies in town. 

This was our second booster. We're just trying to keep up with the times. It wasn't a big deal and I sort of forgot about it since my arm wasn't too sore and I wasn't having any other reactions. Not even anything like how I felt when I actually had it this spring.

Until I woke up this morning. My left arm was so sore! Like I can't lift it higher than shoulder height kind of pain. Jim and I were both feeling that and feeling tired. It really wasn't a late night. It was just hard to be awake today. Which is sort of a requirement for work! Seriously, I was able to work fine.

With coffee. Lots of coffee.

But about now my body's crashing or close to it. I know. Crazy exciting Friday night here on Blue Jay Drive. I actually caught myself cleaning the refrigerator earlier – in case you wanted a sneak peak at the fun behind closed doors. I think it's recliner and surf channels time next. Try to contain yourself.

And have a nice weekend!

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