Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Green Sky at Night, Something's Not Right

Red sky at night, sailors' delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. 

We didn't have the red skies tonight. Just red warning signs on the TV and a greenish sky right before the storm hit. Right before the storm that COULD HAVE BEEN a tornado hit.

Everyone knew as early as yesterday that we could be in for some wicked storms in Wisconsin today. And those darn weather dudes were right. Since the severe stuff was going to hit around 5 p.m., we all left work in time to get safely to our homes.

I wasn't home long and I turned on the Weather Channel and they were showing tornadoes in Wisconsin with one of those TORNADO WARNING lines on the bottom of the screen. Say what? So I change to local channels and it's tornado talk everywhere.

We're in the middle of the state and the line of storms were not going to miss us. A tornado touched down in Tomah, which is southwest of us and, of course, it was heading northeast. It's not too often we're in a tornado warning so even though we saw it on TV, we jumped when our phones alerted us LOUDLY to "Get in the basement!"

Nothing reveals your priorities like a tornado warning. Like knowing it was a real possibility you could lose everything. So what did I do?

First of all, I brought Mr. Deck Chair safely into the garage so he wouldn't blow away. Well, duh. Then I grabbed my phone, camera and laptop and headed into the basement. Jim just grabbed his phone. Now that we have our "beverage fridge" in the basement, he was set for the long haul. We both just left kitty asleep on her heated bathroom floor. She slept through everything. Per usual.

I'll admit it was freaky seeing Wisconsin Rapids and the Town of Grand Rapids in the direct line. Apparently the funnel dissipated right before it got to Rapids. Well praise be! We also didn't get hail here (it melted on the way down) and the strong winds didn't do damage except for a few branches. 

I saw just a few downed trees in town on my way to my hair appointment. Yup, that was my main concern. Let's get this tornado over with so I can get to my hair artist on time! 

The Lord sure looks out for drunks and ne'er-do-wells because it all timed out perfectly!

Be careful out there!

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