Friday, September 9, 2022

Finishing Strong

Good evening from Blue Jay Drive! Yup. Bean Town is just a recent memory. But boy did my week there finish strong!

Today was the last day of learning. And fun.

Had a full schedule of speakers and even ran into my Aussie airplane mate! Small world.

Our final speaker of the conference was appropriately called the "headliner."

Yes. No joke. I shared space with No. 44! Along with 45,000 others.  But still... same room! It was soooo awesome!

President Obama was as gracious and articulate and eloquent, really,  as you'd expect.  Funny too. 

There was high security so among other rules, we were told not to take pictures. I wasn't about to get hauled away by Secret Service when I had a plane to catch. But some people did take pictures and I'm sharing theirs.

Just so awesome!!

Anyway,  we really did have a plane to catch so we had to cut out before the end of his chat. I think I'll be able access it somewhere. In general he was talking to a room full of marketers and encouraging us to build community where we can and be positive.  He also shared some stories about the queen!

Again, I was starstruck over the whole thing.  Well, the whole 3 days actually.  Boston appropriately sent me off with a beautiful sunset, too! 

Feels good to be back home though. Not sure what time zone I'm in anymore but I'm pretty sure it's bedtime!

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