Sunday, September 18, 2022

Final Sunbathing Days


Sunday is a day of rest. And also the last Sunday of summer. Technically. So after church and after I posted tennis pictures from yesterday, kitty and I commenced to resting and sunbathing.

I'll share her picture but you can't pay me enough to share a picture of me on Mr. Deck Chair! Probably for the last time this season. 

I sat out listening to an audio book for a bit, then called my mom to chit-chat. She said it was so nice  when her children call. I told her I knew exactly what she meant. That message must have traveled over the plains and the mountains because lo and behold, my baby boy called tonight! And yes, Mom, it does do the heart good!

This evening I also had one of my last senior photo shoots of the season. By that time, it had clouded up and was picture perfect.

And my model was picture perfect, too! Makes the job so much easier, ha. Seriously, all my kiddos this year have been beautiful inside and out. Just neat kids. It's been a fun season.

I look forward to a few days of rest, though. They'll arrive just in time with fall colors. No rush, though, says Sylvester, me, and Mr. Deck Chair!

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