Monday, September 12, 2022

Getting Back on Track

If a truck can find a way to ride the rails, then I certainly can find a way to get back on track for a lot of things – like healthy eating and working normal hours and everything in between.

It's Monday. The only day you can start new things like that. So here I am.

I see my low-fuel light and wonder if my energy will last until the train – which apparently had a caboose as far away as Canada – passes by. 

It did, thankfully. But I refueled as soon as I could, knowing I should have kept a closer eye on my levels. Sometimes we just get too busy to pause and look. I know I 'm not the only one guilty of that. Burning your candle at both ends and suddenly feel the heat and wonder where the flame came from! Yup. It happens to all of us.

That's probably why I went to bed early last night and slept for 10 hours. Needed some petrol!

It's good my overloaded schedule is slowing down. Not every minute of the day is booked. I say that even though I did go to dinner with friends tonight and played trivia. But that wasn't stressful at all. I needed the laugh-out-loud moments that also refueled my mind and spirit. It was the proper distraction to get my wheels on the track. 

I just gotta figure out how to get them moving forward. And possibly gain momentum.

Too many analogies for a Monday night? Probably! Just know every day is a new opportunity to get back on track. No matter how bad you think you've derailed things.

Good luck out there!

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