Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Steps to Success

Our conference was in full swing today. Thankfully it wasn't raining so we didn't look like drowned rats when we got there.

INBOUND is a marketing conference so we're learning all kinds of tips, tricks, and trends to educate, inspire, and energize us. Helping us take steps (literal ones, too, according to my FitBit).

It was a long day but interesting. Took the scenic route back to the hotel and then logged into work and got some things done. No rest for the wicked!

My internet connection is slow but I'll share a few random pix from out and about...

Morning reflections 

Afternoon reflections

Ship docked at Tea Party Museum (which was closed for the day.

Ben Franklin at Old City Hall.

Massachusetts State House. 

Park Street Church next to cemetery where Franklin, Paul Revere and others buried.

Tourist trap! We resisted. For now.

Gotta hit the hay. My legs and brain need a rest!

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