Monday, November 14, 2022

Door Dasher

While this looks like a flow chart of a food delivery person, it's more like the person comes here and we deliver.

Yup, our baby boy's visit was akin to a drive-through tonight. He and Mamie had planned to come up from her brother's in the Potosi area to visit us and stay a few days. As I was dashing around getting Crack Chicken going in the crockpot, he called and said she was under the weather so he was coming by himself.

Just to pick up his work laptop that was shipped here and basically turn around and head back. This is where momma's heart breaks a bit. He did make it safely and was able to eat with us. 

Also reacquainted himself with "his" cat.

Then packed up his car and literally 45 minutes after his arrival, he was heading back south. 

In the dark.

In the height of deer season.

Uff da.

Now I'm just praying he makes it back "home" safely. And also thanking God for those few minutes we had. I did squeeze in a few extra-long hugs. It's just never enough. Apparently I have a delayed ability to cope with the empty nest. After 6-plus years! Ha.

On the plus side, they are coming back next week for an extended stay around Thanksgiving. I sure hope it works out. 

Never take for granted your time with family. Just treasure it. One hour – or less – at a time. 


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