Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Mr. Independent

Big day today. I returned to the office and my patient was left unsupervised for the day! And, drum roll, please...

He's officially graduated from the walker to the cane! That's huge. Trust me, just a few days ago, that seemed like an insurmountable feat. But he did it and each day the mobility meter goes up and the pain level goes down. Incrementally, but still, progress in the right direction – considering it hasn't been a week yet.

A good reminder that when we're down – whether physically, emotionally or spiritually – we gotta keep working through the pain. One tiny step at a time if we need to. Just keep moving. God will get us where we need to be eventually.

Be patient, patient. 

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes! Fingers crossed for more forward progress. For all of us.

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