Saturday, December 10, 2022

Ice Time

While the last 48 hours have included routine applications of icing hubby's knee, I got some of my own ice time today. Yup. That's me and Mr. Zamboni reuniting for another season!

Our Pacelli-Assumption co-op team was hosting the Blizzard team from back home – a team of combined players from Luck, Frederic, Siren, Webster, and Grantsburg (where my cousin Tyler goes to school). Since a few of my cousins would be there, I did some wrangling with the patient care so I could be gone a few hours.

Yup, my sister-in-law agreed to Jimmy-sit for a while. Thanks, Sherry!

It was great to see Rachael and her son Luke, who goes to UW-Stevens Point and played in the pep band at the game today. Fun!

Since it was my first game of the year to shoot and I wanted to capture some players from both teams, I ended up taking about a thousand pictures. Haha. Not kidding. I'm done editing and uploading now. Here's a few of cousin Tyler ...

He looks a bit like my cousin – his Grandpa Gene!

Pacelli ended up beating them 7-2 but at least my cousins got to hang around the area for the night instead of hitting the road for that lovely 4-hour drive home. 

My time with them was short since I had to get home to my slowly-but-surely improving patient. Hopefully we'll turn a corner tonight and he'll get some sleep. I may or may not have random hockey dreams. Br-r-r-r.

Be careful out there and watch for ice!

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