Friday, December 30, 2022

TGIF (Tree's Gone in Fifteen) Minutes

I'm one of those people who loves Christmas and normally hangs onto it as long as I can – usually waiting at least until the weekend after New Year's to take down the tree and any other decorations. But since I'm leaving town in a few days, I figured I better do it now instead of January 21st – the next weekend I'm home.

It was a quick process. Always is faster taking stuff down since I don't have to worry about the artful placement of ornaments that make them look random, yet balanced.

Got the house back to pre-holiday status in 15 minutes. Maybe a little longer. But kitty comes out from her nap and gives that "Where's my tree?" look. Sorry, Princess, your chair – yes, it's only hers – is back in that corner now. 

It's definitely not my style to push the season aside this early. I did watch two Christmas movies today to ensure I still had the spirit even if my halls were un-decked. 

I also created a pile of clothes waiting for placement in a suitcase. I figure I'll look at them again on Sunday to see if I can't downsize that failed attempt to not overpack. But then again, summery clothes are smaller and lighter, so maybe they will fit. I'll wait a few days to bring up the suitcase and see. Hubby doesn't want our green-eyed princess to get anxiety that he might be the one leaving. Trust me, it's a real thing.

And he could go somewhere, too. Today he did a little test drive and went to physical therapy all by himself. The right (newer) knee is coming along nicely. He even got down the basement stairs and back up without issue. A slow process, but that's great news. He'll have no problem getting kitty food and water (and removing litter box gifts) while I'm gone.

Everybody wins.

I mean it's not a competition, but I'll probably have a better January. Let's get through December first.

Enjoy your last Friday and Saturday of 2022. Be careful out there!

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