Monday, January 16, 2023

We Lived La Vida Loca


It was appropriate in a '90s music old school way that we saw the Puerto Rico version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame on our last day of vacation. 

Their native son Ricky Martin sang all about living la vida loca in his 1999 hit song. And we were trying our best!

If you're not familiar with the Spanish expression, "la vida loca" literally translates to "the crazy life" in English. Or "crazy and fun," in Scandi-hoovian English. 

It was pleasantly loca for sure. And it's not quite done yet.

The vacation part is, but I'm not home yet. Left Atlantic time Sunday afternoon and flew across three time zones to get back to Phoenix by 2 a.m. Mountain time today. And slept 4 hours to work at 7:30 a.m. Central time. That is living la vida loca right there!

I would love to share stories and photos, but that might have to wait until one, I get 8 hours of sleep, and two, I don't have to do it on my phone! 

If Mother Nature allows, I'll fly home Thursday. In the meantime I'm working remotely at Rayna's in rainy,  chilly Apache Junction. 

The sunny vacation is definitely over! Worth it.


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