Friday, May 12, 2023

Counting Down to Cap and Gown Replacing Bat and Glove

It was a busy night last night spending time with our senior baseball and softball players. When we had so many gloomy, cold days after that brief "summer" in April, I'm finding it hard to believe we are nearing the end of our regular seasons and (gasp) graduation!

Let's start with those boys. What a talented group of all-around athletes. Most of them have stolen the stage in football and basketball – not just baseball. This is an athletic class and I'll miss these guys!

As for the girls... well my heart is breaking knowing I won't get to see them anymore. Some of these girls – that's you, Ava and Sadie lady – I've been watching since before middle school. I loved watching them in volleyball, in basketball, and especially in softball, where they won that state championship last year. That would help me not miss you if you won that again. Just sayin'.

Tonight should have been another round of games for both, but Mother Nature decided our grass needed watering. Baseball was called off. I think both softball and girls soccer were still on, but after coughing and dealing with allergies all week, we decided to stay in for the night.

As for the weekend... partly cloudy with a chance of softball. Maybe golf? I don't know. 

It's Mother's Day weekend. May we all be in charge of our own happiness!

And demand it!

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